Before 1937, Ohio enjoyed a thriving hemp flower market until the federal government put the hemp flower industry into a halt after claims that it was the same as marijuana. The move affected farmers that had put much effort into making the market flourish.
The move too affected buyers that had benefitted immensely from hemp effects. This started the fight for legalization from all those that had special interests in seeing the revival of the hemp flower industry.
The hemp flower market is another different story in Ohio today as things are not as they were a few years ago. Advocates and researchers worked together to make the federal government see hemp in a different light.
The hard work paid because the state of Ohio legalized hemp in all its forms, which included, the use, processing, growing, and selling. The list of legalized hemp flower products included CBD oil products and different hemp-based CBD formulations that are popular with many users to date.
In July 2019, Governor Mike DeWine signed into law a bill legalizing hemp flower in Ohio, which is still in force to date. The signing of the bill received so much positivity that Ohio agriculture officials celebrated the progression by picking out a plot of land behind their offices to plant 100 hemp cuttings.
Legal Hemp in Ohio
Hemp flower is legal in Ohio, but its legality is dependent on some specific stipulations. The federal law stipulations help to protect users from buying products that do not meet the standards set by the state. The federal law defines hemp as a Cannabis Sativa L plant just like marijuana.
However, for hemp to pass as legal, any of its parts which includes the derivatives, seeds, isomers, cannabinoids, acids, extracts, salts and isomer salts, whether growing or used as a product should have less than 0.3% of THC on the dry weight.
If the THC level surpasses 0.3%, it ceases being legal hemp. The reason behind the restriction is that a THC level of more than 0.3 is most likely to cause the psychoactive effects synonymous with marijuana.
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Types of Legal Hemp Products in Ohio
The law allows Ohio buyers and sellers to transact a wide range of hemp-derived products. The most popular hemp-based products transacted in Ohio include hemp flower, tinctures, CBD-oil, edibles, pet products, skincare and beauty products, CBD supplements, CBD-capsules and more.
The requirement is as long as the producers pass the lab field tests with formulations that fall within the stipulated limits, then they are safe to cultivate, produce, sell, and use. The stipulation is that all the products should be hemp-derived and have less than 0.3% of THC.
What About Growing Hemp At Home In Ohio?
Many states across the USA prohibit the growing of hemp at home, and Ohio is no exception. The restriction is in place because it is almost impossible to control hemp quality grown in private home farms for personal use.
Any farmer that wants to grow hemp should own at least a quarter of an acre to carry out the cultivation of the plant. Any land less than a quarter of an acre might not get you a permit to cultivate the hemp flower. If the applicant passes the requirement of owning at least a quarter of an acre, he will still need a farming permit from the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Other requirements include paying license fees, annual cultivation fees after approval, the farming plot’s physical address, GPS coordinates of the farm, maps that include any man-made structures on the growing facilities, and the number of hemp plants intended for planting.
Growing hemp for commercial purposes is much easier than growing it on a private home farm in Ohio. Anyone that wants to grow the plant commercially needs to go through the Ohio Department of Agriculture for a cultivation license.
The cultivation license has three-year validity, and submission of the applications is between November 1 and March 31. After approval, farmers can then start cultivating hemp legally. The farmers can sell their hemp returns locally or to other states where hemp is legal.
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Is The Use Of Hemp In Public Legal In Ohio?
Using hemp flower and hemp-based CBD products in Ohio is legal. The use of the products became legal after governor DeWine signed the bill that allowed the use of the plant and its products throughout the state. The legality is, of course, dependent on maintaining the less than 0.3% of THC limit.
Using any CBD hemp product that exceeds that level would get you in an awkward situation with law enforcement. It is not easy differentiating hemp from marijuana, as they both look similar. The similarity is the same reason that using hemp in public in Ohio is illegal.
Even the people trusted with keeping law and order find it hard to tell the difference. Considering that marijuana is illegal across the state of Ohio, using hemp in public would get you into trouble that would even see you in custody due to lack of field tests to differentiate between the two.
Where In Ohio, Can You Buy Hemp?
One of the things that Ohio hemp enthusiasts can be glad about is that the law does not limit the amount of hemp flower or hemp-derived products they can transact at any given time. Even with the minimal state law stipulations, buyers and sellers have to abide by the set parameters that help to guard the allowed hemp in the state.
A few years ago, hemp buyers had minimal places to buy their hemp products. The locations included government-accredited pharmacies and hemp medical dispensaries. Things are different today, and anyone besides the government can own an accredited dispensary.
Other places to buy hemp flower and hemp-based CBD products in Ohio are from local retailers, specialty shops, some fuelling stations, and from online sellers. Buying hemp online is one of the most convenient ways of purchasing hemp as it provides you with more choices and high-quality products.
Buying the products online also provides you with the ability to choose what you need from different types of reputable brands that ship the products discretely at your doorstep. The brands have unique websites that provide you with direct ordering options.
The majority of the reputable hemp brands also provide you with a choice of many strains and a more comprehensive range of hemp-based products. They additionally offer an unconditional money-back guarantee, which gives you more certainty to purchase the hemp products.
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Wrapping It Up
Is It Legal to Grow Hemp in Ohio? Yes, growing hemp in Ohio is legal as long as you are doing it for commercial purposes. Anyone seeking approval to cultivate hemp in a private farm, for personal use will require fulfilling individual requirements, one of which is farming on at last a quarter of an acre plot.
Hemp enthusiasts and advocates think, the laws are too steep and land requirements not reasonable. However, it is the best the state of Ohio can do to protect users from buying hemp flower, and hemp products with above THC allowed level limits.
Hemp users and producers hope that the state will go easy on some of the restrictions on hemp because by doing so; it will be easier for all hemp users and buyers to enjoy hemp CBD benefits everywhere around the state.
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I started happy hemp after getting sick, losing my job and health insurance. starting with my health, i took issues into my own hands. enter hemp. Hemp seeds are the most nutritionally balanced food source on the planet. Hemp is full of omegas, protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. This little seed literally became the seed of change in my life!
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